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2018 Nobel laureate used Mabtech ELISpot

Published: December 10, 2018

Updated: October 16, 2023

Authored by: Susi Gralla

During his research career on check-point blockade, Prof. James P. Allison utilized IFN-γ ELISpot assays numerous times to characterize the function of antigen-specific T cells before and after anti-CTLA-4 treatment. On at least three occasions, regardless if the study was on human subjects or conducted as mouse models, the research group chose ELISpot kits from Mabtech.

Today, James P. Allison will, together with Prof. Tasuku Honjo, be awarded the Nobel Prize for their work. We are very proud to have been a tiny part of the studies leading up to their amazing findings.

James P Allison

Prof. James P. Allison

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Highlighted research ELISpotHumanIFN-γImmunotherapyPublication