Tetanus toxoid, biotin

Tetanus toxoid, biotin


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Validated for our assays.


Biotinylated tetanus toxiod (lyophilized)

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Product specifications

Intended use

This biotinylated tetanus toxoid (TT) antigen is intended to be used for detection of TT-specific IgG-secreting cells in ELISpot and FluoroSpot assays. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

Serum/Plasma samples

Tetanus toxoid (TT) is the inactivated toxin derived from Clostridium tetani. TT-biotin is used in the detection step of ELISpot and FluoroSpot and is added after the removal of cells. In FluoroSpot assays, TT-biotin can be added together with other antigens (having different tags). For information on assay setup, please view datasheets for human IgG ELISpot and FluoroSpot.


Product details

ProductTetanus toxoid, biotin
ApplicationELISpot, FluoroSpot
Supplied in



Biotinylated tetanus toxiod (lyophilized)

Shipping and Storage


Shipped at ambient temperature.


Store at -20 °C or below upon receipt. 

PBMC from a healthy blood donor were pre-incubated for 72 h with R848 and recombinant IL-2. The cells were then washed and added to an ELISpot plate (150,000 cells/well) coated with anti-human IgG antibodies. After overnight incubation cells were removed and spots from tetanus toxoid specific IgG secreting cells were detected by addition of biotinylated Tetanus toxoid followed by Streptavidin-ALP.

Find out which analyte combinations we have evaluated in T cell FluoroSpot and which combinations are affected by capture effects or not. 

What is a capture effect?

When capture antibodies with different specificities are coated together, capture of one cytokine may affect the secretion of other cytokines. This is usually more pronounced when studying T cell responses with polyclonal stimuli compared to antigen-specific responses. Capture effects are seldom a problem and can often be counteracted by addition of an anti-CD28 antibody.

Tutorial, Published December 28, 2023

Incubation strategies for success in ELISpot and FluoroSpot
We've made a handy table summarizing incubation times for different analytes to make your research planning for the ELISpot and FluoroSpot assay a little easier.
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