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Mouse IgG ELISA available with HRP

Published: June 8, 2023

Updated: February 20, 2025

Authored by: Lara Mentlein

What’s new?

Our ELISA Flex kit for the quantification of Mouse IgG is now available with HRP! So you get to choose the detection format that fits your particular setup: HRP or ALP. The detection system in ELISA is a matter of taste, but we'd say HRP is slightly more common! 

If you are only interested in the HRP-conjugated antibody, we also launched the directly conjugated detection antibody – Goat anti-mouse IgG, HRP. This antibody can be used in ELISA as well as other applications such as Western Blot. And a fun fact: we routinely use this antibody in-house in our R&D work. What will you investigate next? 


How to set up an Ig ELISA? 

There are three different ways to set up an ELISA to study immunoglobulins in solution. Read our blog post to understand how to detect immunoglobulins with ELISA.



ELISA Flex: Mouse IgG (HRP)

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