Anti-mouse IgE mAb (MT44E), biotin

Anti-mouse IgE mAb (MT44E), biotin


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Product specifications

Intended use

This monoclonal antibody enables specific detection of mouse IgE and mouse IgEa in immunoassays such as ELISpot, ELISA, and Western blot.

Serum/Plasma samples


IgE detection: MT44E is recommended as detection mAb in ELISpot and ELISA combination with capture mAb MT56E (product code 3815-3). IgEa (allotype a) detection: MT44E is recommended as detection mAb in In ELISpot and ELISA in combination with IgEa (allotype a) capture mAb MT18E (product code 3816-3). The antibody is also suitable for Western blot.

Product details

ProductAnti-mouse IgE mAb (MT44E), biotin
ApplicationELISpot, ELISA, Western blot
AnalyteIgE, IgEa
ImmunogenNative mouse IgE

Mouse IgE. The antibody is specific for mouse IgE allotypes IgEa (allotype a) and IgEb (allotype b).


Purified from in vitro cultures by protein G affinity chromatography.


Biotinylated through reaction with a N-hydroxysuccinimide ester of biotin.

Concentration0.5 mg/ml
Supplied in

PBS with 0.02% sodium azide. Sterile-filtered (0.2 µm).


Monoclonal antibody MT44E, biotinylated. Supplied at 0.5 mg/ml in PBS with 0.02% sodium azide.

Shipping and Storage


Shipped at ambient temperature.


Store product at 4-8°C or frozen at -20°C or below. Avoid repeated freezing/thawing.

Shelf lifeAt least 18 months from date of receipt.
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Analyte description

The main physiological function of immunoglobulin E (IgE) is to protect against parasitic infestation. However, IgE is also associated with allergy, and allergen-specific IgE antibodies may trigger allergic reactions in the presence of the allergen. IgE is normally found in low amounts in serum/plasma but is significantly increased in allergic individuals, and the detection of allergen-specific IgE serves as the basis for many in vitro assays for allergy diagnosis.

Alternative namesImmunoglobulin E, IgE
Cell typeB cell


Analyte description

Immunoglobulin E (IgE) E is secreted by plasma cells as a monomer during the adaptive immune response. IgE antibodies are believed to play an important role in the immune defense against parasitic infections and in hypersensitivity type I reactions upon re-exposure to a specific allergen by binding to and cross-linking Fc receptors (FcεRI) expressed on mast cells and basophils. Allergen-specific IgE is the basis for many in vitro assays for allergy diagnosis. In mice, two allotypes exist: IgEa and IgEb. IgEa differs by 12 single-base changes from IgEb and is present in different mouse strains.

Alternative namesImmunoglobulin Ea, IgEa
Cell typeB cell
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